Member of NAMIR - National Association of Musical Instrument Repairers

Jessica Rance woodwind instrument repair
Woodwind Instrument Repairs

Jessica Rance Woodwind Instrument Repairs logo


Jessica in her workshopJessica Rance Woodwind Instrument Repairs, based in Devon, provides a specialised and individual service for musicians and collectors.

Follow the link to your own instrument to see what we offer, and also for relevant external site links.

I also undertake custom work on all instruments, which includes the fitting of specialist thumbrests on clarinets, keywork extensions and other modifications to help people with injuries or disabilities to play an instrument.

Restoration work, particularly of instruments from the 18th & 19th centuries, is increasing all the time. These jobs I usually like to take plenty of time over. Sometimes there is no choice if I have to search for materials, but even then I tend to allow plenty of "thinking time" for each job.


© 2009
Jessica Rance
Jessica Rance Woodwind Instrument Repairs
Thornmoor Forge, Thornmoor Cross, Nr Lifton, Devon PL16 0JS
Phone 01566 784668, Mobile 07802 720909,
a minim website