Member of NAMIR - National Association of Musical Instrument Repairers

Jessica Rance woodwind instrument repair
Woodwind Instrument Repairs

Jessica Rance Woodwind Instrument Repairs logo


The National Association of Musical Instrument Repairers

NAMIR LogoNAMIR was founded in 1993 as a result of several repairers getting together to share views on the repair of musical instruments.

This small association of specialist repairers represents members from as far away as New South Wales and Tasmania. Its members cover repairs to all instruments from accordians to xylophones

The NAMIR logo is now a guarantee of a high quality service. They can be contacted via their own website

NAMIR's aims laid down by the founders to serve its members and their customers are:

  • To encourage a high standard of workmanship and customer care
  • To provide a means of information exchange on techniques and parts availability
  • To provide technical backup
  • To advance technical skills by co-operation with manufacturers
  • To arrange social and technical meetings
  • To act as arbitrator in the event of a dispute between repairer and customer


© 2009
Jessica Rance
Jessica Rance Woodwind Instrument Repairs
Thornmoor Forge, Thornmoor Cross, Nr Lifton, Devon PL16 0JS
Phone 01566 784668, Mobile 07802 720909,
a minim website